By Nancy Lockhart
August 27, 2021
The other day my daughter called me to our front door, “Look !”, she said, among our succulent plants was a pumpkin vine and on the vine there was a beautiful, bright orange-yellow flower. I was amazed. We get pumpkins every Halloween. They sit on our front porch, welcoming fall. They are there through Thanksgiving, and by that time they usually rot and I throw them in the garbage with the grass clippings. End of story. Well, somehow one of those rotten pumpkins left us with one of its seeds, and that seed grew among succulents, that don’t get watered that much, and it gave us a beautiful flower. Now I have NO idea how to take care of a pumpkin plant. I will google it. I have no idea if that pumpkin flower will result in a pumpkin. What I do know is that seed grew into a plant beyond all odds and it grew towards the sun and it left me in awe of the amazing power of nature. And I realized we all have that power in us. Despite everything we have been told, or raised to believe about ourselves we all have the natural power to bloom despite the odds. Now, if that flower results in a pumpkin, that will be really cool, but that little plant has already given me such an invaluable gift of hope, and of being in the now. Right NOW it is my beautiful, bright August flower teaching me that possibilities are endless.